For us scuba divers, the ocean is our playground. We descend under the surface, we explore, and we often have the privilege of observing beautiful. For these incredible experiences to continue we need to honour the fact that we’re merely guests in the ocean; it’s imperative that we respect what we love.
The oceans absorb a quarter of all carbon dioxide
Our oceans regulate our climate. Did you know that the oceans absorb a quarter of all the carbon dioxide that humans put into the atmosphere? Over 90% of the additional heat caused by global warming is stored in the Oceans. Also, did you know that Scientists have discovered that many marine invertebrates produce antibiotic, anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory substances? The oceans help us – let us help them.
Different human activities are putting our oceans under threat
In the entire cosmos, there’s only one blue planet – ours. Unfortunately, different human activities are putting our oceans under threat. Overfishing is reducing fish populations, threatening the supply of nutritious food and changing marine food webs. Approximately 80 percent of the pollution in the oceans comes from land, and coastal zones are especially vulnerable to pollutants. Plastics are also particularly problematic with enormous floating rubbish patches forming in the oceans. Climate change and its related impacts, such as ocean acidification, are affecting the survival of some marine species. Coastal development is destroying and degrading important coastal marine ecosystems such as coral reef, seagrass meadows and mangroves.
As divers, we’re blessed with the chance to see what few others see; an entire world underwater, with unique geology, biology, and a life cycle all of its own. But we’ve also got a front-row seat to the negative impact humans have on that world; coral bleaching, underwater debris and garbage, and declining populations of marine animals. There are many steps that we can take as divers, big and small, to protect the future of our blue planet and to make our underwater adventures more sustainable.
We need clean and healthy oceans to support our own health and survival, even if we don’t live anywhere near them. Each and every one of us can make a difference, it’s time to take action! That’s why, as MolaMola Diving Center, we are following these easy rules every single day. Help us and save the Ocean together with us:
- Do not throw trash into the Ocean
- Do not take anything from the ocean
- Try to use as less single-use plastic as possible
- Do not feed the fish
- Do not touch or chase marine life
- Do not stand or walk on corals